Preview of Mill 2D using Autodesk Fusion

Mill 2D using Autodesk Fusion

Number of Lessons: 8
ISBN #:978-1-77851-023-3

Our comprehensive 470-page Instructional Training Guide is your ultimate resource for mastering Autodesk Fusion. Learn Sketching, Part Model Creation, Assembly (CAD) and 2.5D Toolpath Creation (CAM). It includes:
  • 8 lessons on how to use Autodesk Fusion to create 2.5D Mechanical CAD drawings and 2.5D Toolpaths for milling parts on a Vertical CNC Milling Machine.
  • 1 Exercise drawing for each lesson.
  • All lessons are designed so when they are completed the finished part can be machined.
  • A full year of online access to comprehensive video instructions.

 Online Version

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